
Our Story
In the early spring of 2011, we planted 1,000 duke blueberry bushes.(12¨-18"twigs).
In 2012, we planted 1,000 Bluecrop bushes. (12"- 18"twigs).
In 2013, we planted 500 Hebert bushes. (1218"twigs)
All our our bushes are treated pesticide and herbicide free. Our biggest challenge is keeping the weeds out of the bushes. Due to not using herbicides, this is done by hand weeding, which is very time consuming. Our second largest challenge is putting up netting over 500 of our bushes to keep the birds out. Our blueberry patch is in the foothills of the Adirondack mountains.

We decided to name our delivery business of blueberries GrahamBerries, after our son Graham who has special needs. He is a Program Participant and a residential client with our local non-profit organization Abilis. He and his peers have excelled in the art of sales and have sharpened their math skills. We have worked collaboratively with Abilis in creating new opportunities to employ and educate people with developmental challenges. GrahamBerries has promoted people of all abilities to gain essential life skills in the community they live in.